As it relates to American Correctional Association, Corrections Tactical Team (CTT) standards and accreditation
The full team/program professional assessment includes a complete review of the facilities corrections tactical team (CTT). Areas evaluated include but are not necessarily limited to:
ACA standards compliance
Policy & procedures
Training (documentation, lesson plans, instructors, records)
Organization & structure
Selection & retention
Less lethal
Documentation requirements
Performance related tasks
The CTT professional assessment involves an in-depth review of documentation. During the on-site visit Assessment members will question team leadership and administrators to obtain information of their CTT team and how it reflexes to the ACA pertaining standards. The evaluators may attend a team training session and present tasks/scenarios to be completed by the team. The ACA standards will be utilized as the benchmark in evaluation of the team/program.
Same as above, but a limited number, of pre-scheduled assessments will be conducted at MPR
Conducted on site at WV MOCK PRISON RIOT
Provided at a reduced cost
All related documentation must be received 90 days in advance
Performance related tasks on site
May be scheduled prior, during or immediately after the MPR event
Contact WV Mock Prison Riot for further details