Not required for American Correctional Association accreditation
The Professional Assessment will provide a complete review of the agency/facility’s correctional tactical team (CTT) and will provide documentation to the agency/facility on all findings. Areas evaluated include but are not necessarily limited to:
Policy & Procedures
Training (documentation, lesson plans, instructors, records)
Organization & Structure
Selection & Retention
Less lethal
Performance related tasks
The CTT professional assessment involves an in-depth review of documentation. During the on-site visit Assessment members will question team leadership and administrators to obtain information of their CTT team and how it reflects to the ACA CTT standards and ICTOA/C2TTC best practices. The evaluators may attend a team training session and present tasks/scenarios to be completed by the team.
The workshop format employs a C2 instructor on-site, working directly with the corrections tactical team in a training environment. This workshop provides the agency/facility with a professional look at their CTT program as they relate to nationally known best practices. The workshop can last any length of time from one to several days. The staff member is dedicated to providing the team with educational feedback, training and evaluations as desired by the agency/facility.
NOTE: This is not an Instructional Course