As it relates to American Correctional Association standards and accreditation
This assessment is formatted for an agency/facility that is requesting to have their Cell Extraction Team assessed in conjunction with their ACA Accreditation. The requesting agency/facility will fill out the Information Request form found on the following websites www.aca.org, www.icota.com, www.mockprisonriot.org and www.c2tacticaltraining.com. A formal Proposal will be sent to the agency/facility by ICTOA/C2 TTC. Once the proposal is agreed upon by both the agency/facility and ICTOA/C2 TTC the proposal will be turned into a Contract to be signed by both parties. Once the contract is signed the date of the assessment will be scheduled and all contractual obligations will be fulfilled.
Evaluating the facilities cell extraction program to include three-member compliance components. To insure compliance with American Correctional Association related standards. The review includes the following.
Policy and procedures
Three member compliance
Training, documentation, lesson plans, instructors and records
Performance related tasks
Video review
NOTE: This is not an instructional course
Same as above, but a limited number, of pre-scheduled assessments will be conducted at MPR
Conducted on site at WV MOCK PRISON RIOT
Provided at a reduced cost
All related documentation must be received 90 days in advance
Performance related tasks on site
May be scheduled prior, during or immediately after the MPR event
Contact WV Mock Prison Riot for further details
Not required for American Correctional Association accreditation
The Professional Assessment will provide a formal review providing the agency/facility with documentation from ICOTA/C2 TTC that a professional assessment was completed of the agency/facility’s Cell Extraction Team. The Workshop format will provide C2 instructors to be on-site and work directly with the Cell Extraction teams in a training environment. The workshop provides the agency/facility with a professional look at the below components as the relate to nationally known best practices.
Evaluating the facilities cell extraction program to include three-member compliance components. The review includes the following.
Policy and procedures
Three-member compliance
Training, documentation, lesson plans, instructors and records
Performance related tasks
Video reviews